"The brave and generous have the best lives. They’re seldom sorry. The unwise man is always worried, Fears favours to repay." – Havamal
Here at Heathens of Yorkshire we believe that a key tenet of Heathenry is looking after our community. As well as our Heathen community, we believe this also includes the wider community around us here in the Gods’ own county. Following the success of our previous community outreach programme collecting food and supplies for local foodbanks, we are starting off 2020 by doing something for our furry friends.
Ever since the rise in popularity of television programmes such as Vikings and the Last Kingdom, there has been a sharp rise in interest in all things Norse. Whilst this has undoubtabley led to a rise in the number of people discovering Heathenry, and has boosted numbers for kindreds such as our own, it has also led to a rise in people wanting to own ‘wolfy’ dogs.
As a result of this, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of arctic breeds finding themselves in rescues after being bought as puppies by people who have not properly researched these breeds which require a lot of exercise, mental stimulation and food.
8 Below Husky Rescue are a Yorkshire based registered charity who specialise in rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming northern breed dogs and their crosses throughout the UK. Their team is made up of volunteers who dedicate their time to help raise awareness of the northern breeds along with helping fundraise at their many events throughout the year.
Experience has been gained by the team over many years of owning huskies and other northern breeds, along with working in professional capacities daily with their rescue dogs. They work with many pounds across the country and have a partnership with Battersea Dog Home where they assist and take on huskies from their care.
All of the dogs who come into their care are fully assessed on arrival, they are all neutered, microchipped, flea and wormed and are only rehomed when they are ready, into a suitable environment for that specific dog.
They offer full rescue back up for life for all dogs registered under 8 Below Husky Rescue, this gives owners the peace of mind that if for any reason they require help and need to relinquish their dog into rescue, they will be on hand to help.
Over our next three moots (January, February and March 2020) we will be collecting money for 8 Below, with the goal of raising £150. This is the amount it costs to neuter one dog, an amount that we feel is poignant given that there is a link between the recent increase in interest in Norse culture and the over-breeding of huskies.
If you would like to support this worthy cause, please bring the money you wish to give along to our moots. If you would like to donate but are unable to attend, email kin@heathensofyorkshire.com and we can make arrangements.
For more information on 8 Below Husky Rescue or to donate to them directly, visit https://www.8belowhuskyrescue.org/
“The time is always right to do what is right” - Martin Luther King, Jr
